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Keeping Blood Vessels Healthy - Ways To Prevent Clogged Arteries

Keeping Blood Vessels Healthy - Ways To Prevent Clogged Arteries

Cardiac Fitness

Plaque buildup in the arteries of a person can cause them to become clogged. There are no quick
cures for removing plaque, but people may make essential lifestyle adjustments to prevent it
from forming and enhance their heart health.
Our goal is for you to leave here with a better understanding of how your circulatory system
works and, more significantly, what you can do daily to keep your arteries healthy.
An increased risk of stroke is one of the most devastating outcomes of blocked arteries. Arteries
become congested, with the buildup of a substance known as arterial plaque. This is an
accumulation of cholesterol on the artery linings. When plaque fragments break off and block
your arteries, it can cause significant issues. If either of your carotid arteries becomes clogged, it
can cut off blood flow to your brain, resulting in a stroke.
Now that we've established why maintaining healthy arteries is critical, let's move on to how to
do so.

Exercise Regularly

This comes as no surprise. We're sure you've heard many people tell you that exercise is healthy
for you over the years: your doctor, your mother, your gym instructor, pretty much everyone. But
has anyone ever explained why exercise is beneficial to one's health? Or, more specifically, why
it’s helpful in maintaining healthy arteries?
Exercising, it turns out, can raise the quantity of high-density lipoproteins, or HDLs, in your
body. Remember that acronym because we're going to use it again. Some HDLs, also known as
"good cholesterol," have been found to inhibit arterial plaque buildup. Exercise also strengthens
your heart, which helps to lower your blood pressure. Exercise, of course, burns body fat. Excess
body fat puts extra strain on your arteries and forces your heart to work harder than it needs to.

Quit Smoking

Again, this comes as no surprise, but it bears mentioning. Did you know that smoking is
responsible for one out of every four deaths caused by cardiovascular disease? What causes this
to happen? After all, you'd think that smoking would mainly impact the lungs. On the other hand,your body is an interconnected machine, and your lungs work in tandem with your heart to get
blood where it needs to go.
Remember how we discussed HDL? LDL, or low-density lipoprotein, is HDL's evil twin. Too
much LDL causes an increase in cholesterol deposits in your arteries. Smoking is especially
harmful since it elevates your LDL while decreasing your HDL. Not only that, but the chemicals
in cigarettes cause blood vessels to swell and become irritated. As a result, they become more
rigid and tight, allowing less blood to travel through and raising blood pressure. The good news
is that when you stop smoking, your body can begin to mend itself, naturally restoring the
equilibrium of LDLs and HDLs.

Eat Wisely

Making an effort to consume the proper meals is one of the best things you can do to lower your
cholesterol and enhance your overall heart health. The good news is that there are extensive lists
of heart-healthy diets available. What is the best option out of all the ones available? Whichever
works best for you. Even if you don't want to commit to a whole diet, you may intentionally
incorporate some foods that have been proved to promote heart health. Kale, spinach, collard
greens, berries like strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, whole grains like barley,
quinoa, oats, rye, fatty fish, legumes, and nuts like almonds and walnuts are all excellent items to
include in your diet.

Stress Reduction

Stress is an odd thing. It is psychological, but it has substantial physical impacts on our bodies.
Long-term stress can result in headaches, exhaustion, and, yes, clogged arteries. Your body will
respond to stress in various ways over time, one of which increases the quantity of cholesterol in
your blood and plaque deposits in your arteries.
This may be the most challenging aspect to deal with. After all, the rest of the items on this list
are entirely under your control. It may be difficult, but anyone can build an exercise program,
control what they eat, and eventually kick the habit and quit smoking. You have very little
influence over when pressures enter your life, which is unfortunate. We have no shortage of
stressors: your job, your relationship, your children, your finances, and the news. So, while we
cannot control when stressful events occur, we can influence how we respond to them.
There are numerous healthy strategies to de-stress, and how we do so differs from person to
person. Extroverts may go out to eat with friends, whereas introverts may curl up with a good
book. Crafty folks may discover something enjoyable to make, and the handier among us may
choose a home renovation project. You can cook, listen to music, take a bubble bath, or go for a
run. Find something you enjoy doing and make time for it regularly. Self-care does not happen
by chance.

Diabetics' Healthy Habits

This one isn't for everyone, but vascular health is crucial for people with diabetes. For example,
did you know that people with diabetes have a higher risk of developing heart disease? High
blood pressure, which is connected with diabetes, is one of the reasons for the higher risk. When
blood pressure is excessively high for an extended period, it affects the heart and arteries. People
with diabetes must therefore be extra mindful of their heart health, in addition to monitoring
insulin levels. The most significant component of this is controlling blood sugar levels.
Diet and medication are the two most frequent methods for accomplishing this. All heart-healthy
foods listed above still apply to people with diabetes, albeit they must be much more cautious
about what they eat due to their condition. There are many different types of drugs accessible. If
you have diabetes, talk to your doctor about which ones are right for you.
It is far easier to maintain your clear arteries than it is to unclog them, and you can begin
working on everything we discussed in this video right now. There is no better moment than the
present. Aside from reducing arterial plaque, putting any of them into practice will have
numerous other advantages.
It's always a good idea to be checked out if you're concerned about the health of your arteries for
any reason. The easiest way to do so is to have an ultrasound scan to assess the current buildup
of plaque in your arteries. These tests are non-invasive and take less than thirty minutes, making
them a quick and easy method to learn more about your health.
Taking actions to prevent or decrease plaque creation is the most effective strategy to avoid
clogged arteries at any age. This is especially beneficial for people who are at risk of plaque
accumulation or atherosclerosis.
A doctor can propose food and lifestyle changes based on an individual's needs and presentation
skills and explain any necessary treatment or prevention choices.

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