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How Herbal Medicine can help with Cardiac Problems & 6 Herbal Remedies

How Herbal Medicine can help with Cardiac Problems & 6 Herbal Remedies

Delicious Cardiac Nutrition

Are you scared of suffering from heart disease? Don't worry; we will help
you improve your diet so that you can prevent or reverse heart disease.
Let's discuss some herbal remedies to cure heart problems today.
Cardiovascular disease, also known as heart malady, or coronary artery
disease CAD, is the number one killer in the United States. Diet and
lifestyle play a vital role in avoiding and reversing heart disease, and
certain herbs can help lower your chance for heart disease and treat heart
conditions you've already been diagnosed with.
Some herbs may help in fighting atherosclerosis(a-thr-ow-sklr-ow-suhs),
the fundamental cause of most heart disease. Atherosclerosis
(a-thr-ow-sklr-ow-suhs) causes plaque to build up in your blood supply
routes, blocking the flow of oxygen-rich blood to your heart and other
organs. It can cause a heart attack and even death. Atherosclerosis
(a-thr-ow-sklr-ow-suhs) is common in the developed world but unknown
outside of it due to individuals' diverse diets and lifestyles.
Herbs have been used as therapeutic medicines since the beginning of
civilization. For example, aspirin, reserpine, and digitalis have become
mainstays of human pharmacotherapy. Herbal medicines have been used
in patients with systolic hypertension, congestive heart failure,
atherosclerosis (a-thr-ow-sklr-ow-suhs), cerebral insufficiency, and
arrhythmia (ur-ith-mee-uh) for cardiovascular diseases.
The heart is one of the most important organs in your body. When the heart
is functioning as it should, you barely notice it, but when your heart beginsacting strangely, you have cause to worry. Here are a few herbal remedies
that can assist in keeping your heart healthy.

#1 Ginger

Ginger is one of the best herbs to cure heart disease. Ginger helps heal
inflammation throughout the entire body, and for the heart, its benefits are
very significant. It contains compounds comparable to NSAIDS
anti-inflammatory medications that work on body systems effectively.
If you want to use Ginger to help your heart, it's best to use the actual
Ginger plant. Just cut an inch-long slice, cut off the tough outer skin, and
brew yourself a tea. You can even use it in your cooking, as it's a delicious
culinary herb. I like to cut a few Ginger slices and add them to my water
with a touch of vinegar. The juices are extricated into the water throughout
the day. It's a nice tea implantation. If you like, you may include a cut or two
to one of the herbs for a tasty and healthy tea blend! Moreover, you can
use commercially prepared powdered Ginger, but the real plant is best
because it is fresh and more effective.

#2 Rooibos Tea

Excellent, red, tasty Rooibos Tea--- it's one of my favorite teas. It contains a
light, woody, slightly sweet taste that I think is lovely. Its color is dazzling as
well: when it's simmered, it contains a wonderful reddish color. Quercetin
(Kwur-she-tn) is the main component in Rooibos, among many others,
including minerals and antioxidants that can also inhibit the angiotensin
(an-jee-ow-ten-sn)-converting enzyme (ACE), which helps to regulate the
blood pressure, decrease inflammation in your heart, and positively
influence cholesterol. In addition, Rooibos is relatively low in tannins and
contains no oxalates, which is awesome if you're prone to kidney stones.
So, take a cup or two of Rooibos a day!

#3 Motherwort

As the title suggests, Motherwort is regularly a woman's herb, helping
balance the system. However, it's awesome for men, as well, particularly
when used for tonic cardiovascular health. It can help with anxiety, which
could also improve heart health.
Motherwort has some bitter taste, and therefore when sold as a tea, it is
normally flavored to mask this bitter taste. However, it is better to utilize
Motherwort in tincture form, with alcohol as the dissolvable, because the
alkaloids, which help the heart, are dissolvable in alcohol but not water.
Hence, although useful as a female tonic tea infusion in water, you should
use it as a tincture if you want the heart benefits. For pregnant women, they
should check with their doctor before using Motherwort. When you have
anxiety, stress hormones are released into the body. These hormones
cause an increase in your heartbeat and a narrowing of your blood vessels.
Both of these changes cause high blood pressure. This increase in blood
pressure can be dangerous. When the tension goes away, your blood
pressure returns to normal. Frequent, transient blood pressure rises can
harm your blood vessels, heart, and kidneys in the same manner that
long-term high blood pressure does.
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#4 Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne (kai-en) Pepper is well-known to help the circulatory system work
well. It detoxifies and filters the blood while helping with blood flow. In
addition, cayenne causes a widening action in arteries, so it's useful as an
everyday tonic to strengthen and tone. It's known to reduce cholesterol.
Cayenne (kai-en) works so effectively on the circulatory system that it has
been praised for helping reduce risk of a heart attack! You can take a half
teaspoon and put it under the tongue, or, if you want to be prepared, like
me, you can make a tincture and have it prepared to go for emergencies.For daily use, you can cook with the powder if you enjoy hot, zesty tastes.
You can add it to tea blends as well. Cayenne (kai-en) Pepper is an
emergency clotting agent as well!
If you are concerned about your heart health or if you are suffering from
heart ailments, Cayenne Pepper should be a daily staple in your diet. This
remarkable medicinal spice is a wonder and can tremendously benefit your
health. Cayenne Pepper is one of the greatest health secrets in the world.
So don't ignore it!

#5 Celery

Celery is a long-stalked marshland plant belonging to the Apiaceae
(apa-cee-ie) family. It contains folate, vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, calcium,
magnesium, and potassium. Celery is an especifically rich source of
vitamin K, which plays a large role in blood clotting, metabolism, and
regulating blood calcium levels.
Celery is an incredible diuretic! If you eat about three or so stalks a day, it
potentially will help decrease your blood pressure. It contains
phytochemicals that help relax the muscles around the blood supply routes,
thereby helping reduce blood pressure. It's one of the most excellent plants
used in Traditional Chinese Medicine TCM for blood pressure and cardiac
issues. In addition to that, it burns negative calories, so it's also awesome
for weight loss! Burning negative calories means that it takes your body
more energy to digest celery than the caloric value you get from consuming
it. Isn't that great!

#6 Hawthorn Leaf and Berries

Hawthorn (haa-thorn) leaves, berries, and blossoms are useful as
cardiovascular health herbs. Hawthorn (haa-thorn) is sometimes found in
candied fruit slices, jam, jelly, and wine. They contain a high level of
flavonoids, especially proanthocyanidin (pro-antho-sy-ni-din), which hasamazing health benefits for the heart. Scientists believe Hawthorn's action
on the heart is mainly to help dilate the arteries, which helps blood flow.
Hawthorn (haa-thorn) also is useful to guard the heart during exercise, as it
strengthens and tones the cardiac muscle and enhances contractions of
the heart. It's traditional medicine in Europe for congestive heart failure.
When used in conjunction with pharmaceuticals for blood pressure,
Hawthorn (haa-thorn) may improve the effects of the medication. Therefore,
it is important to discuss its use with your doctor if you are taking heart
medications. Hawthorn (haa-thorn) happens to taste delicious as well!
In my experience, it is the first herb, aside from garlic, that should be
included in one's regular dietary routine if there is any indication of
cardiovascular disease problems. If you have a family member who has
heart or vascular issues, or if you consume a diet full of fat, or if you are
stressed or use stimulants, hawthorn (haa-thorn) is a wonderful protector.
Heart attacks occur when the blood supply to the heart muscles becomes
completely blocked. If a person does not receive immediate treatment, part
of the heart muscle can die.
Herbal remedies have a place in the successful treatment of often minor
pain in the chest when the cause is known, and it isn't a serious condition.
On the other hand, any serious cases, such as a heart attack or angina,
should be treated immediately by a therapeutic professional. But there are
numerous incredible herbal remedies you can use to improve the health of
your heart and circulatory system. It's so great to know that nature has
given us all we need for our health, and these wonderful plants have never
been more available to us than they are these days. So, I hope you'll
choose to try some tea with some herbs!

Hope this helped you to know how you can prevent heart problems. Try to add these herbs to your diet daily.

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